Understanding New York’s Dog Bite Laws: A Comprehensive Guide

Dog bites can be traumatic, both physically and emotionally, for those who suffer from them. In New York, if you or a loved one has been injured by a dog, understanding the state’s laws around dog bites is crucial. New York’s dog bite laws are different from other states, and knowing what steps to take can help protect your rights. This guide will walk you through the important aspects of New York’s dog bite laws and what they mean for you if you’ve been injured by a dog. At The Nicotra Law Firm, PC, we are here to guide you through the legal process and help you navigate the complexities of your case.

What Is New York’s “One Bite” Rule?

New York operates under a rule called the “one bite” rule when it comes to dog bites. This rule means that a dog’s owner may not be held fully responsible for a bite unless it can be proven that the owner knew the dog had dangerous tendencies. For example, if the dog has bitten someone before or shown aggressive behavior, the owner can be held accountable for any injuries caused by the dog. This is different from strict liability, which holds a dog owner responsible for their dog’s actions regardless of the dog’s past behavior. In New York, strict liability only applies in certain cases, such as paying for medical expenses, but proving negligence is important in other parts of the case, like seeking compensation for pain and suffering.

Understanding whether the dog that bit you has a history of dangerous behavior can make a big difference in how your case is handled. If it’s the first time the dog has bitten someone, the case may become more complicated, but the dog’s owner can still be held responsible in certain situations.

What Is Strict Liability in New York Dog Bite Cases?

In New York, dog owners are subject to strict liability when it comes to covering the medical costs of injuries caused by their dog. This means that even if the dog has never bitten anyone before or shown any signs of being dangerous, the owner must pay for the victim’s medical treatment. However, when it comes to recovering additional damages, such as for emotional trauma or lost wages, you must prove that the dog had vicious tendencies, and the owner was aware of this.

Strict liability can be helpful because it allows bite victims to get some financial relief without needing to prove negligence. But to recover the full compensation that you may be entitled to, it’s necessary to show that the dog’s owner knew their dog was dangerous or acted irresponsibly in controlling the dog.

Richard Nicotra

Founding Partner

Andrew Connelly

Managing Partner

Emily Oczytko

Associate Attorney

Proving the Dog’s Dangerous Behavior

When a dog bites someone in New York, it’s essential to determine whether the dog has shown aggressive behavior in the past. This can include situations where the dog growled, snapped, lunged at people, or even had previous incidents of biting. If any of this behavior can be proven, it will help strengthen your claim.

Proving that the dog was dangerous may involve collecting witness statements from people who have seen the dog act aggressively or reviewing records of any past complaints or incidents. If you can show that the dog’s owner knew about the dangerous behavior but failed to take precautions, you may be entitled to compensation beyond just medical bills. The court will likely look into whether the owner acted responsibly by keeping the dog leashed, using a muzzle, or taking other steps to prevent the dog from harming others.

How Negligence Plays a Role in Dog Bite Cases

In New York dog bite cases, proving negligence is often a key part of winning a case. Negligence means that the dog’s owner failed to act in a reasonable way to prevent the dog from causing harm. For example, if an owner knows that their dog is aggressive but allows it to roam freely in a public park without a leash, that could be considered negligent behavior.

Negligence may also come into play if the dog bite happens on private property. If the dog’s owner did not put up warning signs or keep the dog secured, and someone is injured as a result, the owner may be held accountable. It’s important to gather as much evidence as possible about the owner’s actions before the bite occurred to show how their behavior contributed to the incident.


Richard Nicotra represented my husband for a motorcycle case. His professionalism and empathy during the case was exceptional. The professionalism Displayed by the firm and staff was truly appreciated.. I highly recommend Richard and his practice for any of your needs.”

- Lisa Isenberg


I used Andrew Connelly after I was in a car accident, and he has been my go-to for over 10 years when anyone has asked for a recommendation for a no-fault attorney. His knowledge, patience, and professionalism go a long way in making an often difficult and challenging situation easier. He is reliable, and someone you can trust to get the job done right. The 5 stars are well deserved."

- Andrea Mccarthy


Rick Nicotra from the Nicotra Law Firm PC is a very honest, knowledgeable, and genuinely caring attorney. Furthermore, he is very personable and always available for you whether it be a text, email, or phone call. Rick and his team are exceptional. They treat you like family and are second to none. I would recommend Rick Nicotra and his team from The Nicotra Law Firm PC."

- Chad

The Importance of Reporting a Dog Bite

If you or a loved one has been bitten by a dog, it’s very important to report the incident right away. In New York, reporting a dog bite is not only important for documenting the injury, but it can also help prevent future attacks. Local health departments or animal control agencies often handle dog bite reports, and they can investigate whether the dog poses a threat to the community.

Failing to report a dog bite can hurt your chances of getting the compensation you deserve. A report creates a formal record of the incident, which can be used as evidence in your case. It also helps authorities determine if the dog should be quarantined or if other actions need to be taken to protect others from being harmed.

Time Limits for Filing a Dog Bite Claim in New York

Like most personal injury claims, dog bite claims in New York are subject to a time limit, which is known as the statute of limitations. In New York, the statute of limitations for filing a personal injury claim, including dog bites, is typically three years from the date of the incident. This means you have three years to take legal action and file a lawsuit against the dog’s owner for damages.

However, the sooner you take action, the better. Waiting too long can make it harder to gather important evidence and can weaken your case. Additionally, if you miss the deadline, you may lose the opportunity to recover compensation altogether.

What to Do After a Dog Bite Injury

If you are bitten by a dog, there are several important steps to take right away. First, seek medical attention immediately, even if the bite seems minor. Dog bites can lead to infections, and it’s important to have a medical professional evaluate the injury.

You should also try to get the dog owner’s contact information and ask if the dog has been vaccinated for rabies. If the owner is uncooperative, animal control or local authorities can step in to investigate. Take photographs of your injuries and the location where the bite occurred. This documentation will help support your claim later.

Additionally, as mentioned before, report the dog bite to local authorities. This not only helps protect your rights but also creates a record that can be useful in your legal case.

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Recovering Damages After a Dog Bite

Victims of dog bites in New York may be entitled to various types of damages, depending on the severity of the injury and the circumstances of the case. Medical expenses are one type of damage that victims can recover under strict liability. This can include emergency room visits, surgeries, physical therapy, and any other treatment related to the injury.

In addition to medical costs, victims may be able to seek compensation for pain and suffering, emotional distress, lost wages, and other financial losses caused by the dog bite. These damages are not automatically awarded, and victims must prove that the dog’s owner acted negligently or knew the dog was dangerous. Working with a lawyer who understands dog bite laws can help you navigate the legal process and maximize the amount of compensation you receive.

Steps Dog Owners Must Take to Prevent Bites

Dog owners in New York have a responsibility to prevent their pets from harming others. This means taking precautions, such as using a leash, securing fences, or placing warning signs if the dog is known to be dangerous. Failure to do so can result in liability if the dog causes harm.

Owners who fail to control their pets may also face criminal penalties, depending on the circumstances of the bite. In cases where a dog is known to be dangerous and the owner doesn’t take steps to prevent an attack, the court may impose fines or require the dog to be removed from the owner’s care.

If you or a loved one has been injured in a dog bite incident, The Nicotra Law Firm, PC is here to help. Our team understands the complexities of New York’s dog bite laws and will work with you to build a strong case. We know how overwhelming it can be to deal with medical bills, emotional trauma, and lost income after a dog bite. Let us fight for the compensation you deserve. Contact The Nicotra Law Firm, PC today to discuss your case and learn how we can assist you in seeking justice.